

Billing Company

Is Aarogram an alternative to outsourcing your verification services to billing companies?

The answer is Yes. But that's not why our customers come to us.

Aarogram offers you our SmartVerify Virtual Assistants combining the power of our software, AI and human assistants to augment your staff!

Compare Aarogram vs Billing Company

FeatureAarogram’s Full SolutionBilling Company
Check benefits across insurance companies without going to different portals


Confirm specific insurance benefits over the phone


Summarize all of the patient eligibility and benefits

Automated EoB style sheet for each patient

Entered manually in a text note or spreadsheet
Calculate patient's out-of-pocket estimate and manage fee schedules

Automated estimate for each patient service

Have to calculate manually
Real-time patient price transparency

Powered by Aarogram's AI platform

Not available
Easily communicate benefits and patient estimates to staff and patients

Automatically generate and send estimate sheets to staff or patients

No provision for patient communication
Any software platform?

Virtual Assistant with a combined power of software, AI and human

No use of software
Patient payment and insurance payment forecast and reporting

Reporting & analytics enabled by Aarogram's AI platform

No reporting or analytics whatsoever
Flexibility to use alongside your current staff?

Yes, flexibility to augment your staff or billing team

No, have to replace your current staff and process knowledge
Cost effective



Compare billing company vs Aarogam

Check benefits across insurance companies without going to different portals

Billing Company


Aarogram's Full Solution


Confirm specific insurance benefits over the phone

Billing Company


Aarogram's Full Solution


Summarize all the patient eligibility and benefits

Billing Company

Entered manually in a text note or spreadsheet

Aarogram's Full Solution

Automated EoB style sheet for each patient

Calculate patient's out-of-pocket estimate and manage fee schedules

Billing Company

Have to calculate manually

Aarogram's Full Solution

Automated estimate for each patient service

Real-time patient price transparency

Billing Company

Not available

Aarogram's Full Solution

Powered by Aarogram's AI platform

Easily communicate benefits and patient estimates to staff and patients

Billing Company

No provision for patient communication

Aarogram's Full Solution

Automatically generate and send estimate sheets to staff or patients

Any software platform?

Billing Company

No use of software

Aarogram's Full Solution

Virtual Assistant with a combined power of software, AI and human

Patient payment and insurance payment forecast and reporting

Billing Company

No reporting or analytics whatsoever

Aarogram's Full Solution

Reporting & analytics enabled by Aarogram's AI platform

Flexibility to use alongside your current staff?

Billing Company

No, have to replace your current staff and process knowledge

Aarogram's Full Solution

Yes, flexibility to augment your staff or billing team

Cost effective

Billing Company


Aarogram's Full Solution


Choose the Solution you need

Self-serve AI Software Model

Aarogram platform to help your staff work smarter, not just harder

Eligibility check with over 1500+ insurance plans - all within Aarogram platform

Automated estimate sheet that explains benefits and patient financial responsibility

AI-generated estimates in real-time for transparent patient pricing

AI Virtual Assistant Model

Software + AI Software + AI + human assistants for staff augmentation

Additional confirmation of benefits data by our AI and human assistants (via phone also if needed)

Accurate patient estimates that you can rely on for upfront patient collection

Clarity regarding prior authorization requirements at service level

Curious to know more about how we do it?

Get Accurate Verifications and Instant Estimates

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